Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Talk It Out

Everyone is prey, at times, to stresses, anxieties, and obsessive thinking. Whether it manifests itself interpersonally(worrying about some interaction), professionally(job security, job dissatisfaction, unemployment), familially(expectations, disappointments) or romantically(insecurity, doubt, irritation, frustration).

Often times these worries are passing things, sporadic manifestations of illogical or negative thinking, with little basis in reality or truthful perception but which can stick with us. Even in the event these strains are based in fact they are unhelpful, unproductive, serve no purpose save for depleting our emotional and physical endurance.

How then do we combat these inevitable and accumulating tensions on our day-to-day lives? How do we release the pressure of compounding agitation trapped inside our heads? By giving them shape and substance, by talking with a friend or loved one and putting form to the formless and through this connection with another person discovering the validity of our concerns. When you put words to your anxieties they lose power, when you confide in another individual you gain their perspective. That's where relief is found, in the sharing, because none of us is alone, because there is no situation so unique that someone else can't relate to it in some way and therefore empathize and offer support.

It is certainly not a cure-all and there is a distinction between seeking solace in others and complaining. But if you are truly struggling giving voice to your disquiet, however small or irrational, can offer relief.

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