Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Fortuitous Meeting 2

Most of the day I was feeling slightly melancholic. For no particular reason I could discern, maybe the holiday aftermath, maybe simple fatigue. Whatever the cause I found myself lethargic and unable to dispel my gloom.

Nicole and I went to the movies, an activity which typically brightens my mood, and when the lights went down two people slunk in and sat in front of us. After a brief moment of frustration at having my view partially obstructed I recognized them. They were our friends Mike and Meg. It was such a pleasant and unexpected encounter, the movie was pretty out there so it was fun to watch them react and grab their shoulders at various points in consternation.

After the movie we went out to dinner, an impromptu double date. We talked, joked, ate, nothing spectacular just a really nice opportunity to spend some time together and gab. Over the course of the evening my mood lightened and eventually my blues dissipated completely.

Now I don't think our random encounter was divinely orchestrated but I do know that Mike and Meg came along when I needed to be shaken out of my apathy. Sometimes all it takes is getting out of the house and the universe does the rest. Although it is quite a small thing, two couples meeting unplanned at a movie, it felt like more than mere happenstance.

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