Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Strong Current

Since I got sober it seems like time has started moving faster. There was a time when my life seemed to be standing still, I was constantly bored, frequently afraid, and often under a self-imposed isolation. Days would last eternities. Sometimes I wouldn't know when I was. Morning or night, weekend or weekday. Minutes would crawl. That's no longer the case.

As I continue to learn how to be responsible, set and attempt to achieve goals, listen and support others, show up, make time to do the things I need and want to do, I've found life moves a lot faster when you're actually living it. Now weeks, months seem to be flying by. Last year seems like yesterday. There's so much to do, a lot gets done, but there's always more. Time rolls on. Things change and evolve. Summer gives way to Fall which creeps into Winter. And always forward, always progress, the hands of the clock speed on, the calendar flips, and the future once so stagnant now buoyant and beguiling.

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