Sunday, April 10, 2016

'Mr. Right' A Review

Mr. Right is an action-romantic-comedy about a somewhat reformed hitman(Sam Rockwell) and a woman on-the-rebound(Anna Kendrick). The two meet-cute and begin a relationship. Trouble brews when the hitman's former and potential business associates intrude on the burgeoning love affair.

Rockwell and Kendrick have magnetic chemistry and both of their individual considerable charms and charisma are on full display. They also handle their characters with precision and never sell out their mental state- both the characters are mentally unstable. Because of the attention and commitment to their literal craziness the whole thing works perfectly mining comedy while remaining sincere. The two bring an ease and playfulness to their roles that deliver a pure and electric enjoyment. There is also none of the imbalance present in some stories of this type, both characters share equal screen time and attention, both characters are active and kick ass. They may not be terribly complex but they are imminently watchable and incredibly fun. Tim Roth and Rza put in great supporting roles with Roth at points doing a riff on some kind of Bayou Matlock and Rza as an upbeat and affable henchman with potential.

Reminiscent of Gross Point Blank but with a delicate absurdity unbroken because of the confidence and heart of the actors with none of GPB's ennui. If you can get on board with the tone it is an effervescent and pleasurable ride.

Playful and funny with a casually affirming message- be yourself.

See It.

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