Wednesday, March 7, 2012

'A Separation' A Review

If you are a glutton for punishment you will like 'A Separation'. If you like anger and arguments you will like 'A Separation'. If you like feeling weird, tension, and great acting you will enjoy 'A Separation'. Tisher and I did not enjoy 'A Separation'.

It's too intense. There is too much build without a release with this film. The way it is filmed you expect a fist fight or car crash in every scene. Of course this does not happen. The aggression is implied. You are balanced on the edge of a knife through the whole film. You never escape the edge, there are never jokes or moments of levity. There are only rare moments of people liking each other. When the movie started it was like a ride I didn't know I was getting on.

It's a movie I'm glad I saw. I have many thoughts about it. But was it clear? Was it a story? Did the story travel? Was there catharsis? Was there a conclusion?


I don't know what this movie was trying to be. What it was trying to convey. Was it well put together? Yes. Does it have a point?

I don't know.

Rent It.

1 comment:

  1. Went and saw it as well. Here's my post if you want to check it out:
