Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gluten Free

Earlier this week Phil asked me to be part of his one-off show at CIC Freak Supreme. A couple of us got together and brainstormed a little one act today in about three hours. Some folks opened with an improv set then we did our play followed by a faux talkback.

The title of our play was Gluten Free although Felske introduced it as Gluten which in hindsight may have been more apt. It was a pretty stupid premise, five variations on essentially the same scene. Each one was at a bakery of some sort catering a specific bread product. Each place had a corresponding accent and the boss of each place had a specific hat. Pretty fun and very dumb. The fake talkback at the end was also very silly, it always feels naughty to thumb your nose at theatre while engaging in it.

It was a satisfying little process. I've found in the wake of a lot of my friends moving its a lot easier to branch out, get involved with things I normally wouldn't have, collaborate and get to know people I only previously knew tangentially. I miss all my friends, Tisher especially, but its forced me to put myself out there a bit more, creatively and socially, and it's surprisingly enriching.

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