Sunday, October 18, 2015


My dad was into comic books when he was younger and has a massive collection from the 70's and early 80's. For a year or two when I was a kid he tried to get me interested in them, the only series I got into was Sleepwalker which was a short-lived and unpopular Marvel property. My interest faded quickly.

In the past couple years Craig, who is a big comics fan, has given me a number of books to read and gotten me interested in the art form. Sandman, Preacher, Powers and Jonah Hex were my favorites. I found I liked the ones with longer narrative arcs with the scope of novels rather than shorter stand alone stories.

Recently he gave me Miracleman which I'm liking a lot. It's nice to branch out, take in different types of content, get inspiration from sources I wouldn't normally seek out or be exposed to.

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