Monday, January 21, 2013

,Police Said

Chloe is one of three friends I made in college. We don't see each other that often but it's always nice to see a movie and catch up. We saw Somewhere Between over the weekend. She's currently writing for an online news site:

Chloe: The writing is good but I do write a lot of "police said".
Me: What's "police said"?
Chloe: There's this editor, Billy, who's a retired cop. He's great. He got us all together before we launched and gave us a speech. It was like (imitates New York accent) "You all can write. OK. I don't fucking care. Just get to it. Relay the info. OK. 'Alderman accused of embezzling, Police Said' 'Local dealer sent up for 10 years, Police Said' OK. That's the lead. You want a fucking lead? OK. Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene..." And he starts quoting the beginning of Romeo and Juliet (laughs) "OK. Fuck that. Here's the lead: Double Suicide, Parents Devastated, Police Said. That's the fucking lead. Understand?"
Me: (laughs) It sounds like a fun place to work. But time consuming I'm guessing?
Chloe: Yeah. There's always more stories, more things to write, but my favorite are the features.
Me: Which aren't 'police says'?
Chloe: No those are stories I can go a little bit more in depth. Write a little more. I have this library story coming out that you'd like.
Me: I'll keep an eye out.

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