Monday, November 11, 2013

'Dallas Buyers Club' A Review

Dallas Buyers Club is based on the true story of a good-old-boy, HIV+, rodeo-rider who starts out to make a profit on HIV and AIDS medication but ends up making a difference. Matthew McConaughey stars as Ron Woodroof a close minded hustler blind sided by his diagnosis. Unable to procure medication he begins importing what he needs illegally from Mexico. He soon begins to import large amounts selling to the infected in Dallas. He teams up with transvestite Rayon played by Jared Leto and an unlikely friendship and partnership develop.

The film jumps and meanders at times trying to extract a fully formed narrative from a story that doesn't have one. Nor does it need it, the characters and the action in the film are incredibly moving and interesting. The structure periodically detracts from the amazing performances going on. McConaughey and Leto deliver amazing, nuanced, vibrant performances. McConaughey as a loud mouthed asshole who through his work and disease becomes a charismatic man to be looked up to who is also loud and can be an asshole. Leto's performance is so submersive it's difficult to see him in it, the screen time he receives does a disservice to the transformative performance he gives. Every scene McConaughey and Leto share is incredible, there is simply too few of them. Jennifer Garner is a great distraction throughout, with a romantic subplot that has no place in the film. The small supporting roles balance the world and bring a realism to a film that could be bogged down with melodrama and depression.

Lead by two amazing performances the film fails to achieve greatness. It spends too much time on Garner and little time on the most complicated and enthralling aspect of the story- McConaughey's metamorphosis and his burgeoning relationship with Leto. A good film for the year, with little chance to be remembered.

See It.

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