Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Goodbye Caitlin

Caitlin and I met freshman year of college. We were both theater majors and became fast friends. Caitlin lived with Chloe for two years and we all hung out constantly. They hosted a bunch of parties, we went on adventures(once to an abandoned Asylum), got our Tarot cards read, had a seance for H.H. Holmes, went to Red Lobster(once), and a bunch of other stupid college stuff that I look back on with a lot of joy.

After college we both moved to Chicago and Caitlin took me to my first improv show at iO. She was taking iO classes for a bit and then went to Japan to teach English for a year. Because of her interest in it and her recommendation I took classes at iO. That decision resurrected my floundering social and creative life. I have her to credit for finding some personal and professional direction.

Since then we've both been doing improv and sketch around town, I've seen her perform a lot, she's wonderful. Over the last couple years we haven't hung out a ton but would always come together and reconnect in the green room at iO, over a quick cup of coffee, or a walk. We've been friends for 12 years at this point and all that history makes for a close bond regardless of how much we talk.

Last year we finally got on a team together and it was a real dream come true to play with her on The Hague. Our shows weren't always great but it was a pleasure to finally get to share the stage with Caitlin, my college friend who inspired me to get started with comedy.
Our friend Jessy's birthday get together senior year of college.

Caitlin is off to LA to work on The Katydids pilot for TV Land. I am so proud and happy for her. Not only could this great opportunity not be given to a more positive and funny person but it gives hope to the Chicago comedy community at large. Hard work and dedication pay off, talent is recognized, the dream is possible.

Love you Caitlin.

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