Monday, June 30, 2014

The Move

Yesterday and today I moved. I've lived in this studio for two years and I've got a lot of fond memories of it. I'd never lived alone before, never had a space(however small) that was solely mine. It was very weird packing up all my stuff, all my possessions, and realizing it all isn't that much. 

The move itself was quite a trial. My apartment is on Wilson which, due to the Pride Parade, was one of the only main east/west thoroughfares open. Lots of foot, bike, and car traffic not to mention lots of people moving. It was also very hot. I did about half of the move alone, I didn't ask for help because I think I wanted one last act of solitude before Nicole and I moved in or I was just being stubborn. Whatever the motivation it was a terrible idea. Thankfully Nicole helped a bit in the morning and Vince provided some clutch help with my last load of heavy stuff.
I'm excited to move in with Nicole, live with someone again, have more space, and cultivate a home together. But I will miss my studio, it looks so small without any stuff in it. It was a great place. I moved in around the time of a big change and it was great to have my own limited space when I made a big lifestyle adjustment.

Thank you studio apartment, you were everything I wanted you to be.

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