Friday, October 31, 2014

Couples Costume

Last week Nicole and I got in a little dust up about Halloween. She's a big fan of dressing up and I am not. I told her I was willing to dress up, knowing it was important to her, then never followed up. Over the past couple weeks she has suggested a number of different couples costumes all of which I lightly dismissed. Last Friday we were talking about Halloween and I, having simmered for a while, burst out "You know, I don't want to do this. Dressing up isn't my thing." She got upset, I got upset.

After talking to Jimmy about compromises, about what they look like, about the difference between passively acquiescing and engaging with enthusiasm, I apologized. When people talk about relationships compromise is a watchword. For a while I thought it was about alternating. You pick the movie, I pick the movie. We go to meet your friends, we go to meet my friends. But what I discovered is that it's about doing something you don't want to do, not only that but doing it without any reticence or foot-dragging or negativity. Doing something you don't want to do with such enthusiasm you actually enjoy it. That something you didn't want to do turns into something you're glad you did.

Nicole made a Wayne's World hat before we went out. I was Wayne, she was Stacey. We both had fun.

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