Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gratitude 4

I'm grateful for these last warm days.
I'm grateful for coffee and cigarettes.
I'm grateful for Punam and her love.
I'm grateful for stages to perform on.
I'm grateful for an understanding and loving family.
I'm grateful for Radiolab.
I'm grateful for Adam and Beanpole's joking texts.
I'm grateful for vegetables.
I'm grateful for cooking oil.
I'm grateful for salt.
I'm grateful for candles.
I'm grateful for fantasy books.
I'm grateful for reconnecting and staying connected with friends.
I'm grateful for feelings and talking about them.
I'm grateful for ideas and paper and ink and glue and push pins.
I'm grateful for hot showers and sandalwood soap.
I'm grateful for dreams even ones that leave me uneasy when I awake.
I'm grateful for movies and dark theaters.
I'm grateful for iO and all the friends and opportunities I've been given there.
I'm grateful for Christmas lights and candy.
I'm grateful for wind and clouds and sun and full moons.

And you, always you.

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