Friday, December 14, 2012

Dark And Light

It has been a dark week, across the US and in my small corner of the world. Tragic, unexplainable things happen all the time all over the world. Sometimes we don't know about it simply because of publicity, how big a story is makes the difference between known or unknown.

If a tragedy happens to someone you know it hits close to home. If a tragic event is broadcast on every news channel it brings it closer to our lives. But that doesn't mean tragedy's aren't happening everyday. That doesn't mean people aren't starving, being murdered, taken advantage of in every city through out the entire world. We just may not hear about it. Now I say that not to diminish anything. There are tragedies and they are sad, unfortunate, incomprehensible things. And if they propel people into action great. But living in tragedy, being bogged down by the sadness of the world, is a mistake.

People can be beautiful wondrous creatures. All over the world there are people helping each other, trading smiles and small talk, brightening each others days with simple words or deeds. Right now somewhere there are kids standing up to bullies, there are people volunteering to feed and rebuild, there are service workers smiling and engaging with people shopping for the holidays, people holding doors, people giving gifts for no particular reason, people taking in animals or orphans, people giving rides, people holding hands, people hugging, people listening and supporting each other, people working hard to solve problems that effect many, people writing to inspire and entertain. People simply being good people.

There is dark in this world. Sometimes it feels like it is overwhelmingly dark. But there is light too. Sometimes good positive actions are small, but there are lots of them. Add them all up and you have a world to be grateful for. Don't succumb to the dark, be a light in the world in whatever way you can. Smile, help where you can, free yourself up to what good there is and could be.

There is darkness but every day it is driven off by the light.

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