Thursday, December 6, 2012


Monday night I got some bad news. Not terrible just bad, unfortunate. I thought that I was prepared for it, I thought one way or the other I was ok with what would happen. The news hit me like a punch in the gut and I moped the next day feeling a bit sorry for myself. I realized it was because I expected good news. I very much expected this particular thing to go my way. And it didn't.

Over the past couple weeks I've had some great shows, some good shows, and some ok shows. I've played with people that I know and people that I've never played with before. Shows that I've been really excited about and shows that are simply part of my weekly routine. I've noticed that the shows I expect will go well or expect will be different or ground breaking aren't. I'm left wanting.

I love movies. I see two or three movies a week. Without fail the ones that I enjoy most are the ones I know the least about. Trailers, reviews, and hype always detract from my experience.

Expectation leads to disappointment. I'm not putting down optimism nor am I advocating pessimism. But I think expecting a situation to go a certain way will lead to disappointment of it not going that way or an unfulfilled feeling of it being exactly what was expected.

We should all live in the moment. Not wallow in the past or try to rigidly plan the future. We should allow ourselves to inhabit the moment we're in. Open ourselves up to surprise and joy and wonder. Put ourselves in a position to grab onto all the experiences we can. Put ourselves in a position to weather undesired outcome with grace and calm.

Travel through life with a clear mind, enjoy each moment for what it is not what it should be.

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