Friday, February 22, 2013


im a poo poo train conductor and i live in a garbage house. my house is made of diapers that all the little babies poo poo and pee pee in. its stinky! every morning i roll out of all the used poo poo and pee pee diapers and go down to the poo poo train station for a long day of work on the fart furnace. i eat beans all day and fart all kinds of farts in the fart furnace to make the train go. the stinkiest farts make the train go the fastest. ppppppffffffff, luuuuuurrrrrp, bammmmmmffff, blooooooouuuurrrrrrpppp, ppplllllurrrrrb. those are the farts i fart into the fart furnace all day long. sometimes when im on my lunch break i still have to fart so i run to the end of the train and fart off the caboose to speed up the train. like a rocket! the train is all made of poop so everyone who rides it is stinky all day long.

poopoopeepee stinkstankstunk.

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