Friday, March 20, 2015

Contention: Closing

After four and a half months and twelve shows Contention closed tonight. Phil, Sarah, and I went out for a bite afterwards and I snapped this picture of them looking satisfied after their nachos and grilled cheese respectively.

The play was a real passion project for me. I conceived of the idea last summer from an improv show. An exploration of a relationship using a non-linear structure. Jumping back and forth through time to try to hit on some universal themes and examine why some relationships don't work. The reality of the show totally exceeded my expectations.

Sarah and Phil were incredible collaborators. We wrote the show through a process of improvisation, transcription, and editing. It felt very equal, all of us contributing and shaping. It taught me a lot about how successful and satisfying a show can be when there's a common understanding and a clarity of purpose. Phil as a director is calm, kind, and focused. Always gently pushing towards the ultimate goal, with an eye on adding and cultivating those small details and moments that elevated the show. Sarah is an amazing actress- natural, committed, and effortlessly compelling. Even when we would run lines she would invest so much feeling, not even trying, it would get me keyed into the story we were about to tell. She brought an honesty and immediacy every time we shared the stage that I was truly inspired by.

A lot of friends came out and for that I am very very thankful. It means a lot to work hard on something and to have people come out and see it. I'm also incredibly thankful to The Annoyance for putting up the show. They were so gracious and helpful through the entire process, I was stunned by how much they take care of and appreciate their performers.

Contention was the first time I was able to execute my artistic vision without any compromises or questions of exterior or managerial ownership. To have an idea translated so purely to the stage. We got a lot of great feedback, it seemed people were affected and could identify with a lot of the themes and situations, the fact that the shows message was successful, above and beyond its narrative viability, was very gratifying.

I wanted to write a play about relationships. I wanted the play to have an engaging story. I wanted the story to have a point. I think we did all those things. I am very proud of the show and so grateful for Phil and Sarah.

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