Thursday, June 11, 2015

'Jurassic World' A Review

Jurassic World is an action/adventure movie, a sequel to the 1993 original and a revitalization of the franchise. It has been 22 years since the original disaster that closed Jurassic Park before it opened. After an unspecified, but short, amount of time past another eccentric billionaire took up the project and Jurassic World has been open for years. Regular dinosaurs aren't enough in 2015 so the scientist have cooked up an extra scary, extra smart genetic spliced dinosaur as a new attraction. In an absurdly contrived incident the monster gets loose and wreaks havoc through the park.

The plot of the movie is a convoluted predictable jumble, blatantly cashing in on nostalgia and proven thrills to produce a barely cogent product. Although it has been 14 years since JP3 the years of incubation provided no freshness only a stale pale continuation of a faulty series that should have been a stand alone. Full of action with no suspense, CGI with no stakes, and a story with no heart Jurassic World is a watered down Marvelized version of Jurassic Park. It seems like a cookie-cutter superhero movie where dinosaurs were subbed in for people with powers.

All the characters in the movie are two-dimensional boarding on senseless. Typically charming and charismatic Chris Pratt flounders as Owen our would-be hero. Bryce Dallas Howard does her best in an utterly thankless borderline insulting role. Vincent D'Onofrio is completely unhinged as the movie's gasping, mewling, glowering heavy. And the two boys in the movie(our Lex and Tim substitutes) are insufferable. Stem to stern some incredibly nonsensical and uncompelling characters.

Thin, vapid, all sizzle no steak. A contender for worst movie of the year.

Don't See It.

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