Friday, July 3, 2015


Tonight is the first preview for My Two Sons. We've all put a lot of time an energy into it and for me personally its taken up a lot of head space and almost all of my creative juice. Its what I've been thinking about while lying in bed trying to get to sleep, I roll scenes over in my head, replay, reconstruct, revise, over and over. I've been thinking about people's schedules and our timeline, counted down our rehearsals and hours as we got closer to tonight. I feel a bit empty having poured so much thought, worry, and consideration into it. I haven't had much urge or inspiration to write so I feel I've been a little neglectful with updating this blog amongst other things.

Conversely it's gratifying to pour so much into one project, a project I'm proud of that is significantly more complex and ambitious then things I have done previously. And this spent feeling is also nice in the sense that it helps reassure me I've done all I can for the show. I have confidence in the show. I know it will be funny, have heart, and everyone in it will be great. I'm excited to have people see it and see how they respond. I'm also eager to just do it. And do it and do it and do it. Get into the routine and flow of the show, to make it sing.

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