Friday, May 18, 2012


I just finished rereading 'Latro In The Mist' a historical fiction/fantasy novel by Gene Wolfe where the main character sees gods. It just solidified for me my thoughts on religion. The idea of multiple gods just makes sense to me.

Long ago almost all religions were polytheistic religions. People worshipped multiple gods because each god had their own area over which they presided. And logically our primitive peoples couldn't imagine of a god doing everything.

The world is a complicated, multi-faceted, inharmonious place. I don't believe, seeing the world the way it is, that it is presided over by one omnipotent being. It's too chaotic. That being would have to be too cruel, too bitter, too interested in destruction for our world to be the way it is. The idea of multiple gods presiding over different facets of our life makes sense. Each of them with their own agenda, with their own allegiance, and their own interests. At times warring against each other.

We are all pawns in a greater game. I've always felt that way. I've always felt that to some extent my actions have been preordained or orchestrated by fate. There are times when I feel I can even tap into it, I can realize I am suppose to do something or I am meant to do something.

The idea that God has compassion is my biggest problem with any monotheistic religion. I believe that gods would take an interest in me, would invest, and help me. But I don't believe that any being greater than myself would feel compassion or empathy for me. I believe that they are interested in their own ends, like everyone is from the smartest human to the lowest insect. We are all self serving to various degrees.

And the idea of gods is more accessible. You can appeal to them, you can talk to them, you can interact with them. They may be foreign or scary or unspeakably powerful. But they all have their own area of expertise and they can all be appealed to in clearly specific ways.

God is too ambiguous.

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