Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bubble Boys: Finale

Our season 1 finale ends with a bang. We have Tisher and I's beloved teacher Bill Arnett and my good friend Ted Tremper as our guests as well as some surprise cameos. When we started writing the series we knew we wanted to end in San Francisco but didn't really know what we would do once we got there. This episode came together pretty organically with a lot of surprises and a lot of energy. And we ended almost right where we began.

Tisher, Tim, and I thank you for traveling with the Bubble Boys on their bumbling cross country adventure. It's been a great pleasure to work on this and I'm grateful to all who helped and any and all who listened.

Sven and Henry seek out Henry's uncle in San Francisco in the hopes of perfecting their gum and ending their journey. Little do they know what lies in wait for them in Fog City.

Steve Nelson as Sven Ingaborg
Andrew Tisher as Henry Mossmouth
Bill Arnett as Gustus Mossmouth
and Ted Tremper as Lamont Meringue
with Gary Richardson as Chauncey Winge
Sarah Shockey as Ms. Prettybook
and Tim Joyce as Errol Burrows

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