Monday, July 9, 2012


I've always identified with storms. Most of the time I feel like a storm. My feelings move fast, my mood can change swiftly, and sometimes is destructive. A storm doesn't apologize for being a storm, it doesn't need to. A storm is a random combination of warm and cold air meeting under a certain set of circumstances. And eventually it clears. Afterwards people clean up the flooded water and the fallen branches. A storm does what it does because that is it's nature, I don't have that excuse.

I feel like a storm but I can't act like one. I can control my mood or channel it or release it in productive ways. There's no one to clean up after me, I have to clean up after myself. And that's as it should be. Responsibility, that's the difference between me and a storm. Sometimes I think storms are romantic and wild. But sometimes they can rage for days and people can be hurt.

I'm trying to be like a cool summer rain. I'm trying not to storm.

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