Tuesday, July 10, 2012

'Beasts of the Southern Wild' A Review

'Beasts of the Southern Wild' is a beautiful film about a little girl Hushpuppy and her Daddy. It takes place in The Bathtub a small island beyond the levies in the Gulf of Mexico where people live on the fringe of society. The film is poignant, moving, and honest. The story is frenetic and powerful and sometimes incoherent. We learn about strength, pride, and family. We learn about being poor and living life on ones own terms. The acting is amazing. Quvenzhané Wallis as Hushpuppy and Dwight Henry as Wink occupy most of the screen time and have most of the dialogue. Their relationship is so real and the way it is shot make you think at times you could be watching a documentary. More description of the narrative wouldn't do it justice.

Don't Miss It.

1 comment:

  1. Good review Steve. This film was a very magical treat that took me to a whole new world that I never thought I would see done in such a beautiful way. Didn't love it, but still liked it enough.
