Friday, March 15, 2013

Tight Five

Punam: People are being so crazy right now. "Showcase" is the new buzz word.

It's that time again comedy fans. Showcase season. Just For Laughs and SNL producers are in town to see talent. Around this time a lot of people are getting their tight five minutes together. Five minutes of material of various characters and impressions to show producers for them to get an idea of their writing and performing abilities.

Everyone gets so wrapped up in the grind they focus on the undefined future and second guess the present. Why them? Why not me? What aren't I doing? Am I good enough? When in reality this is just another event in the normal course of the year. I've learned that there's no count down to being successful and there's no universal conception of what success is. It doesn't need to happen now, there's opportunities out there and take advantage of them if you can but there will always be more opportunities out there. Be grateful if you have them and if not be grateful for those who do. It's not the end all be all.

The other thing that strikes me is that peoples tight five aren't very interesting to watch. They are written for efficiency for producers to see the most in the shortest amount of time. It's a means to an end not necessarily engaging material in and of itself. Sure those of us that want to have a career, to move on and move up, need to get this kind of material together but lets not forget why we do this. For the simple pleasure of being on stage and effecting people.

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