Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Graffiti 137

Bicycle Mandala.

“I was seeing in a sacred manner the shape of all things in the Spirit, and the Shape of all Shapes as they must live together like one being and I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” -Black Elk

"Our Being is a brilliant pattern of energies: a spectrum of possibilities. The mystic discovers symbols. . . Symbols are windows through which we can view the Essential Nature of our Being." -Ngakpa Chogyam

"I can think. I can sleep. I can move. I can ride my bike. I can dream." -Bill Walton

1 comment:

  1. Tropical Flesh Mandala https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZCttBhIBak
