Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Tim and I began editing our new podcast tonight. It's a bit lonely without Tisher in the studio but it feels really good to start working and make some progress on this project. We recorded all the material for the first season in the fall and have been waiting for our schedules to clear up so we could devote some time to hunker down in the studio.

It's going to be called Hindsight Hour and the idea is to explore inspiration(where it comes from, the different paths it takes) and theme(family, work, relationships) at least that's what the first season will kind of look like. Each episode will have a theme and within it there'll be six or seven improvised scenes some of them based off the same premise. In so doing the hope is that some larger commonalities or comments will emerge from the theme and maybe some insights as to where people draw their inspiration.

Tim and I are still largely figuring it out. It was real good to start chopping it all up, organizing it, and folding it all together. The goal with this project is to be much more aurally experimental. This will differ from Bubble Boys in that it'll be more of an anthology format and we are not constricted by a certain style or the need to create a through-line reality. We are going to try to create an exploratory, alternative type of soundscape not beholden to the concrete context of the scenes but more using them in counter point to enhance the feeling. At this point I've been working with Tim on and off for three years, things are really comfortable and intuitive. We have a good amount of ambition for this project and I'm very excited to work hard and get it out there.

The plan is to start releasing episodes in April.

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