Thursday, February 5, 2015


Currently Sight Unseen is performing every Thursday at the Annoyance as part of the Fishbowl, a show Jimmy pitched which allows students to play with Annoyance teachers and performers. So far not a ton of students have come out but I anticipate that'll change over time.

We end the night with a set and the past two weeks it has been really fun. What I enjoy most about performing with the team(Jimmy, Mark, Meaghan, Rosie, Sarah, MB) is our disparate approaches and playing styles. Each of us has had a different path through improv and because we started playing together after we all had a significant amount of experience our POV's are relatively solidified. There's rarely ever moments of hesitation or indecision, it's almost always fluid even if the characters or choices aren't necessarily homogenized.

Because of our strong, independent, and different perspectives I'm frequently blind sided by other peoples choices. At this point with improv those moments of real surprise are what I look forward to and truly relish. Those moments where I am shaken out of my routines and really open my eyes to what my scene partner(s) are doing. That happens a lot with Sight Unseen. Someone makes an odd choice or a big emotional reaction that I wasn't expecting and the scene or piece blossoms because of it.

There can be a lot of importance put on knowing your teammates well and anticipating their moves in order to create solid group mind and a seamless piece. There's certainly something to that. But the more I improvise the more I look forward to performing with those people that bring the truly unexpected to the stage. Ultimately, I've found, it's the differences that are important, it's in the contrast where inspiration lies.

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