Saturday, October 6, 2012


I saw this a couple days ago and found it vaguely disturbing. I imagined who put it up...

The breakup wasn't my fault. I did everything that was asked of me and more. I should teach classes called 'Dutiful Boyfriend'. I know her favorite movies, foods, music, restaurants, and vacation spots. I know her extended families names, their alma maters, and their professions. I always listened patiently when she complained about work, girlfriends, periods, and the difficulty in finding the perfect summer dress. I read her journal, emails and gchat history. I quizzed her friends on what they would do, what she would talk about when I wasn't there. I learned as much as I could in order to make myself everything she wanted.

But it wasn't enough. She broke up with me two months ago. I still don't understand why. She said she needed space, time to think. She said I didn't have any interests except her. That's stupid. Of course I have interests, I made hers mine so we could always do stuff together, we would always have stuff to talk about.

She starting dating someone last week. He seems like a real bro, he likes sports, she hates sports, duh. After we broke up I moved in across the street from her place just to make sure she'd have some company if she needed it. She hasn't yet. I can look through my bedroom window into hers. Most of the time the venetian blinds are closed but not all the time. She stopped taking my calls last month.

I started to put up notes to her around the neighborhood. I never sign my name but she knows its me. Yellows her favorite color. I know she'll come back to me. She has to. This is just a phase. She's just going through a phase or something. This new guy won't last. He likes sports. Everyone knows sports are dumb. She'll get tired of him. She was just getting antsy. This guy is just a phase. And when it passes.

I'll be waiting.

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