Wednesday, October 31, 2012

An Old Interest

When I was younger, from grade school to high school, I had some interests that have since fallen by the wayside. I use to absolutely love to get a great book on tape and an extensive Lego project and shut myself in my room for hours. As I got too old for Lego's(or I should say I became aware that it might appear childish) I started to make collages.
I've never been able to draw or paint or anything but I liked to put things together. I use to make collages, as gifts, with pictures and quotes. I use to make collages of vacations and put them up around my room.

At iO this past week someone had put out a 'Give a book, take a book' box. In it there were three slim dated informative space books. I flipped through them and there were some really cool pictures. I felt that old tingle that I haven't felt in probably ten years: this would be fun to put together. I took them and a couple nights ago cut out some of the pictures and made two collages on poster board while listening to Mists Of Avalon on my computer. It was so simple and gratifying. It was like running into a long lost friend. This small experience or thing I use to do still holds just as much joy for me. I stayed up till 5 working on them and although they may seem childish they make me very happy. I put them on my ceiling to look at while I lay in bed.

I still need to put some books back in the box because I took but didn't give. I'll probably unload 50 Shades of Gray, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. That's a fair trade right?

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