Monday, April 29, 2013

Lunch Bunch

Katie was in town from LA and met Ryan and I for lunch. We had a very good albeit brief catch up session. It's great to have friends that move away and when they come back it's like they never left. There's no weirdness you just pick up where you left off, in my experience that's the exception not the rule. We gossiped, talked some shop, and had some excellent falafel.

It's nice to break up the work day with friends, something I never really took the time or interest in before. No matter how bad or boring your day is, an hour of companionship can turn it around.

Me: So hows LA?
Katie: Every idiot is writing a screenplay. If I hear one more bro tell me he's writing Hangover 4 for National Lampoon I'm going to kill myself!

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