Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Grind

My first week back to work is complete and it's an odd feeling. The past 8 months I've gotten rest and sometimes too much rest. I've had time enough to get things done but in that time got little done. Now, one week in, I feel energized. Simply getting up early, going to bed early, having my sleep regulated and at times shortened has made me feel more alert, more awake, more present.

I've heard of writers going off to isolated cabins to spend months writing. But always it seems they come back to the world. They come back because they need inspiration. They need fuel for the stories they need to tell. They go off to limit distractions, to focus, to wrestle their ideas out on paper. But after the idea has been expunged, laid out, exorcised, its time to go out and find another one.

In the past 8 months I put up a sketch show, wrote and recorded a podcast, and began writing another show. But now its time to reenter the work-a-day world: to ride the train, to make some money, to survive the grind. To be inspired. Now the time I have is precious and I am doing more in it. I think it will be sometime before I have a job that I enjoy. Until then I use it to pay bills and get out into the world. To meet new people, handle new situations, discover new stories to tell.

Get a Haircut by George Thorogood on Grooveshark

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