Sunday, April 22, 2012

Too Afraid

I've been listening to this song a lot recently and thinking about love. There's a scene in 'Moonstruck' where Nicholas Cage talks about love. He says something like love is a destructive force and we need to embrace it. I wouldn't go that far but I know that love, romantic love especially, is a complicated thing. It's not all good times. The bad times or the hard times or the crazy times mean just as much. They give your relationship depth and dimension. When I was in Richmond Matt said something to me that got me thinking.

Matt: Well...I think...if you don't break up a couple times, if you don't come close to ending it a couple times, then it's not the real thing. Katie and I came close 3 times.

Love isn't a small thing. It's not a cute thing. It's something to be afraid of because there is a lot of risk involved.

You can't escape it and you don't want to. It drives us all.

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