Thursday, June 6, 2013

Steve's Guide To A Day Job

my desk

1. Fulfillment- If you have a job you love you're in luck. If you have a job you like, enjoy it as much as you can. If you have a job you hate, get a new job. If you have a job you don't feel one way or the other about take pleasure in the work that you do. Be proud of doing a good days work, work your hardest, and be positive, let any angst roll off you like water. You have to take some measure of fulfillment form your job or you will be perpetually discontent. That may be something small or it may be big if you have a job that engages you. The important thing to remember is that every job is important in some way. No job is too small, no job is unimportant, no job is beneath you. I suffered under the idea that I was too smart for every job I had and it made me miserable. You get payed to do a service, render the service, and enjoy the feeling of being of service.

2. Commuting Materials- If you drive, bike, or ride the train keep yourself engaged. Don't let that half an hour be wasted time. Read, listen to podcasts, music, or audio books. Engage with something it will liven up your day and get your mind rolling on some interesting things if you have a relatively mindless job.

3. The Internet- If you have internet access at your job find out what restrictions, if any, your work has. Find sites that you like, that make you laugh or have interesting content. When your bored, need a pick me up, or need a break- do some well deserved surfin'.

4. Lunch Buddies- Every once in a while make a lunch date with friends. It'll brighten up your day and break up your week.

5. Work Space- Personalize your office space. Pictures, kitch, quotes whatever. Make a place you are comfortable in with things around you that make you happy.

6. Office Politics- Be on equitable terms with your co-workers. If you don't like someone at your work or someone rubs you the wrong way don't let it effect your attitude or your performance. Whatever someones issue may be more often than not its a result of their own dissatisfaction with their life or with their job. It has no bearing on you or your work. Don't take anything personally. Do your work as best you can and if you have a problem with anything or anyone talk to someone about it. Whatever issues arise at work, they're not worth it.

7. Get home fast and do whatever you want!

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