Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Steve's Guide To Breaking Up Part 3

Final Installment.

There will be ghosts. Murmurs. Echos.

Every love leaves a mark. It will fade, dissipate, dissolve but never disappear.

You move on. Focus on other things- passions, hobbies, travel, friends.

Open yourself up to other people. You'll find yourself excited by someone new, develop a crush, and fall in love again.

Your past love will at some point be eclipsed by some future love and that's good.

Every love builds you up. Deepens you. Becomes a part of you. Makes you strong. But you can't hold on to something that's not there. You can't grip a shadow.

The past got you to the present. And the present is the moment that needs to be lived in. Some thing will always linger. Faintly. On the periphery. Let it be.

It may flare up from time to time. Aftershocks. Those are just gentle reminders of how you got to where you are. And maybe lessons too.

Love comes in waves. Don't stand stiff letting them break over you. Ride them. And when you ride them all the way to the beach.

Go back out to sea.

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