Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Return Of Groh Show

After a year hiatus Groh Show with Danny Groh is back. We stopped recording last year because Daniel was getting busy with touring and, I think more significantly, because my behavior at our recordings was out of line and irratic.

Over the past couple months I'd noticed the facebook page for the show getting a couple likes consistently per week. I sent out a tentative email to Daniel and Danny to see if they would be interested in starting the show up again. They were and today we did. Getting back into the show was like playing a piece of music you know well but you haven't visited in a while. Daniel and I are only there really to set up Danny. To frame Danny and his very unique and energetic world view. It was a real blast and felt like a real reunion. The chemistry and magic was still there. We pushed Danny's buttons, probed him about some personal stuff, and got his unique slant on the news. It's an idea and a project I love and I'm very happy to have begun again.

After recording, as Danny and Daniel were leaving, Daniel said to me quietly "thanks for reaching out". It really touched me. I had apologized for my behavior the previous summer and there was no weirdness between the three of us, they had forgiven me long ago but him saying that really meant something to me.

Any bridge can be mended. Rebuilt. Made stronger.

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