Friday, June 8, 2012

Get Close

I've mentioned before I like to sit close during movies. Preferably first or second row. For me it gives me more of a feeling that I'm experiencing a movie, I'm a part of it, I'm not reserved from it. It makes me feel like I'm in it, I can't get away from it, I'm somewhere else. And for me that's what I want when I go to the movies: escape.

With thrillers especially I like to sit close. For me it increases the risk. It feels dangerous. There is no comfortable space between me and the surprises and terrors that await.

I went to a movie recently and sat in the second row. The movie was relatively full so people had to sit close. There was a couple behind me that was on the first or second date.

Guy: Ahhhh, this close?
Girl: It's an experience.
(I think 'she knows!')
Guy: I don't know...(looks around) any where else open?
Girl: Relax. Trust me.
Guy: I'm not going to be able to see everything...uhhh.
Girl: ...I'm going to get Sour Patch Kids, you want anything?
Guy: I'll go with you-
Girl: No, it's ok. (walks away)

I wanted to tell the guy sitting close is great. You're nervous, I know, but once it gets going you'll have a whole new perspective. You have no protection, you're not reserved. It got me thinking about my life right now.

I think I sit close during movies because maybe sometimes I don't sit so close with my life. Sometimes I'm reserved. I pull myself back. I hide behind books and movies and wit and insult. I cut off contact or keep it to a minimum. I enjoy being alone but sometimes I think I use that to protect myself. If there's something or someone I don't want to deal with I bury my nose in a book(I carry one everywhere) or go to movies by myself or avoid or deflect, I escape.

Sitting there judging this guys complaints I realized I do that, not in the movie theater but in life. In life sometimes I sit too far back. I need to pull up a chair, get as close as I can, and enjoy. The good and the bad.

I urge you to do the same.

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