Thursday, June 7, 2012

'Snow White And The Huntsman' A Review

This movie is pretty much what you'd expect if you watched the preview. I feel like I've written that a lot lately which speaks to the marketing techniques used for movies now. They'll do anything to get you in the theater even if it means giving away the whole movie.

The movie is a slightly darker take on the classic fairy tale. There's no surprises, the performances are for the most part bland and uninspiring, you care about no characters. The title character Snow White has virtually no character development. This movie would more accurately be titled 'The Huntsman featuring Snow White." It's almost like the editors of the movie new that Chris Hemsworth would be a bigger star then Kristen Stewart at this point so focused on him more.

The effects are great and some of the magical stuff is fun. The movie, the idea has potential. There's a scene where I almost had hope for the movie. The movie starts with Snow White as a kid when the Evil Queen takes over the kingdom and locks her up. We flash forward to her grown up with Snow White locked in a cell. The shot pans in on the window in the cell door and we see the back of Kristen Stewart's head. I really wanted to her to be doing pull ups like Linda Hamilton in T2, you know a bad ass Snow White whose used her imprisonment to get buff. No such luck. She's still mousy.

Charlize Theron was chewing the scenery. The only people who seemed to take their roles seriously were the parade of great British actors who played the 7 dwarfs via CGI. I was entertained but definitely thought to myself "what am I watching?"

Don't See It.

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