Saturday, June 2, 2012


Punam and I went to go see JP last night. The Landmark is doing a series of midnight shows of cult classics and 90's favorites. There were a lot of improvisers there. It was a great experience. Before the movie started Julia shouted "Hold on to your butts!"

The most notable thing for me was that, at this point, there is no suspense. The steps of the T-Rex warrant no surprise. Everyone in the theater was loving it, they were laughing, and predicting lines. We all enjoyed it but the magic of the original screening was gone. I knew what was going to happen and because of that 3/4 of Jurassic Park was anti-climatic.

The other thought I had was about that scene where Tim gets electrocuted. At the time, 1993, hurting a kid was unheard of. Hurting him and then giving him mouth-to-mouth was cutting-edge. I still appreciate the bravery of that scene. I wish Sam Neil would have gotten more work.

The theater was packed with 25-32 year olds. We were all chasing something that we haven't felt since this movie came out. Some feeling. I didn't find it but I found comfort in watching the movie again on the big screen.

You can't recapture youth,
                                                                                                               but you can mourn it.

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