Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Setting Sun

Recently every day I wake up is better than the day before. I wake up happy, healthy, and calm.
Things that use to bother me don't. I'm grateful for this feeling and work to hold onto it every day.
I eat fruit with every meal and always take my vitamins.
When I get up I stretch and smile and welcome another beautiful day.
If it's sunny I let the sun hit me, if it's raining I let the drops hit me.
I welcome it all.
I've begun to plan my days methodically. Allowing only small amounts of free time.
I work out, I eat, I see friends, I perform, I go to meetings.
I talk about how I feel often.
I examine my emotions and sometimes discard them and sometimes acknowledge their validity.
Today I made Punam a milkshake. She didn't have enough milk so I used plain yogurt to make sure it wasn't too thick. It tasted excellent and we were both happy.
I tried to go to a meeting that turned out to be a women's meeting. They were very polite and offered to let me stay but I declined and went to another meeting where I saw someone I had been trying to get a hold of for a while, so everything worked out for the best.
Before, that whole situation would have made me anxious and I probably would have gone home.
Now little things, little obstacles that I traverse bring me great joy.
You string little triumphs together they have the potential to become a big triumph.
If you can think right you can live right.
On my way home I stopped and watched the sun set through the trees.
There's almost nothing in the world that gives me more comfort.

I'm grateful for today. And all of you.

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