Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Am Humbled

I met someone today that I will never forget. Someone who was 30 minutes away from death. A 25 year old. Who, regardless of the circumstance had an amazingly positive attitude and genuine perspective. I thought back on all the bad things I've done, all the trouble I've got into, all the emotional destruction I've caused. I look at this person and I am humbled. I could have died numerous times over the course of my life given all the stupid shit I have done. I've never had a brush that close and if I had I know myself well enough to know I wouldn't be as positive and upbeat as this person.

Humans are wondrous creatures. We can bounce back from almost anything. Given time almost anything can heal. We don't sometimes because we get in our own way. Our attitude gets in the way. Whatever was left of my attitude went quiet today. I hope it stays quiet.

I am humbled.

And grateful to be alive.

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